SUAL Archives | 2016

Martina Claussen: fluid ribbons

Duration:     5‘16“
Type:             Source recording provided by the artist
Notes:           Presented in conjunction with the project Sound|Architecture

fluid ribbons

Sound sources of the piece: the human voice; various synthesizers, field recordings, and a tam-tam. Maybe due to the interaction of opposing materials a new view towards the sky is made possible.

[Martina Claussen]

Martina Claussen

Martina Claussen is a mezzo-soprano, vocal artist, composer and composer-performer. The focal point of her work lies in the interaction of her own voice as the main sound source of her electroacoustic compositions and live electronics. Her compositions have been broadcasted by various radio stations in Europe and have been presented internationally at Festivals such as Festival Futura 2015 (Crest, France), the BIMESP XI Bienal Internacional de Música Electroacústica 2016 de Sao Paulo (Brazil) and the New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival 2016. Since 2009, she holds a position of ao. Professor of Voice at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna.

[info as of 12/2016]