SUAL Archives | 2006

Adolfo Kaplan: L’ombre du son

Duration:     8‘08“
Type:             Source recording provided by the artist
Credits:        Presented in conjunction with Proyecto Itinerante

Adolfo Kaplan

Adolfo Kaplan’s musical education began at the age of eight by studying piano. In 1994, he went on to study counterpoint and harmony at the Academy of Valparaiso where he also graduated in Musicology in 1999. At the same time, he followed classes of composition at the University of Chile, in Santiago. In 1999, Kaplan obtained an invitation to study in Paris, where he followed the courses of electroacoustic music of Christine GROULT at the studio of Pantin. Currently he is finishing his studies of composition with the composer Ivan FEDELE at C.N.R., Strasbourg. Adolfo Kaplan is a founding member of C.E.C.H, the first community of electroacoustic music in Chile, and of the “Itinerant Project”. His body of works includes compositions for instruments, sounds installations, mixed media compositions, pieces for tape and functional music (CD-Rom, television).

[info as of 05/2006]