Peter Ablinger

SUAL Archives | 2017

Peter Ablinger: Renate Fuczik for piano and 1 loudspeaker

Duration:      15‘42“
Featuring:     Peter Ablinger, sound direction | Jaime Wolfson, piano
Type:              Recorded live at SUAL 2017
Credits:         Audio recording by JF, editing by BG

Renate Fuczik

for piano and 1 loudspeaker (2006-2026)

a 24 hours (or endless) piece | any duration

completed so far: 264′ (12:00-13:24 and 18:00-21:00)

The piece is based on the voice recording of the former Austrian phone time, which was reached since the 70’s under the phone number 1503. Every 10 seconds, a woman’s voice, for example at 18:19:20, repeated: “It is with the Summer-tone 18 clock, 19 minutes and 20 seconds [tut].” Spokeswoman was an employee of the Austrian Post, Renate Fuczik. In the future all 24 hours should be available for the composition “Renate Fuczik”. A performance may have any duration (10 seconds, 3 minutes, 1 hour, etc.), but in any case must match the real time exactly – which in this case is the “Viennese time” (= Central European Time, CET). The piece is part of the cycle “Voices and Piano”, but can also be presented independently or in other constellations (see e.g. The OPERARIA cycle “Die durschscheinende Zeit / Translucent Time).” (English un-edited)

Jaime Wolfson

Jaime Wolfson studierte an der Musikuniversität Wien sowie an der Bruckneruniversität Linz Klavier, Dirigieren und Komposition bei Leopold Hager, Erwin Ortner, Yuji Yuasa, Michel Jarrell und Johannes Marian u.a. Besonderen Einfluss auf Wolfson hatte ein Interpretationskurs bei György Kurtág (mit Werke von L.v. Beethoven und G. Kurtág). Interpretationskurse bei Christian Wolff, Georg Nussbaumer, Hans Zender, Peter Herbert, Manon Liu-Winter u.a. schlossen sich an. Besonders wichtige Impulse für seine Dirigiertätigkeit holte er sich direkt bei der Arbeit mit dem Ensemble Wiener Collage (fixes Mitglied seit 2009) von dessen Leiter René Staar ( Wolfson ist Mitbegründer und Leiter des Ensemble Platypus für Neue Musik (gegründet 2009), mit welchem er in Lateinamerika und in mehreren Ländern Europas konzertierte ( Er arbeitete u.a. mit Peter Ablinger, Georg Nussbaumer, Michael Jarrell, Jorge Sánchez-Chiong, Wolfgang Mitterer und Dieter Kaufmann zusammen. Konzertreisen führten ihn nach Japan, Südamerika und in viele Städte Europas. 2016-17 war Wolfson Assistent vom Prof. J. Marian an der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien. Seit April 2017 ist er Senior Lecturer für Neue Musik am Joseph Haydn Institut.

Peter Ablinger

By now I have grown older, and use glasses increasingly often. With glasses I can see roughly as well as I used to. Without glasses I see less, and distant things in particular are blurred. So I have the impression that my radius of perception is narrowing, withdrawing to the point from which I gaze. I have the impression that without glasses, I lose something of the world that I can still retain with glasses. The impression (the illusion) is interesting, because one wonders what really makes the difference between a world that is reached (even better) and one that is no longer (or less well) reached.

Peter Ablinger, born in Austria in 1959, has lived in Berlin since 1982.

[info as of 12/2017]

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