Lasse-Marc Riek

SUAL Archives | 2007

Lasse-Marc Riek: Finnish Spring — artist talk and concert

Duration:     45‘39“
Type:             Source recording provided by the artist

Finnish Spring

The work at hand, “Finnish Spring”, deals with habitats, areas and living spaces. In this particular case, these spaces were created from a pool of acoustic field recordings I realized while in Finland in Spring of 2007. Over the course of the past year, I have, for various reasons, increasingly been absorbed by the sounds emitted by nature. The piece researches the interplay between natural elements on the one hand and passages I arranged at a later stage on the other. It deals with directional hearing and of course with the vast array of bird voices – as well as the silence one can detect in between all of these different sound sources.

Lasse-Marc Riek

Lasse-Marc Riek (born 1975 in Germany) uses different forms of expression in his production methods. His works are interdisciplinary and can be conceived as groups of works of both visual art (action and conceptual art) and sound art. His art of sound can be described in terms such as acoustic ecology, bio acoustics and soundscapes. Here, Riek uses field recordings, storing them with different recording media, editing, archiving, and presenting them in different contexts. Since 1997, he has operated internationally with exhibitions, releases, concerts, lectures, workshops, awards, projects and given performances in galleries, art museums, churches and universities. He has made contributions in the public media as well as in public radio and received scholarships and artist-in-residence programs realized in Europe, Middle East and Africa.

[info as of 02/2019]

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